Tracker Use - Level 1 Online - Africa
This academy targets personnel that want to understand DHIS2 tracker features and how to enter and analyze tracker data and include the following learning objectives:
Describe the latest tracker features as well and how to use them
Describe the tracker data model in DHIS2
Describe how tracker data can be captured on both Web and Android devices
Demonstrate how to enter tracker data using both Web and Android devices
Identify the applications used to analyse tracker data
Create tracker data outputs in the form of tables, charts and maps
Create dashboards using tracker data
Tracker Use - Level 1 Online - Asia
This academy targets personnel that want to understand DHIS2 tracker features and how to enter and analyze tracker data and include the following learning objectives:
Describe the latest tracker features as well and how to use them
Describe the tracker data model in DHIS2
Describe how tracker data can be captured on both Web and Android devices
Demonstrate how to enter tracker data using both Web and Android devices
Identify the applications used to analyse tracker data
Create tracker data outputs in the form of tables, charts and maps
Create dashboards using tracker data